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The name of the Museum: Spadchyna.

The profile of the Museum: Local History Museum.

    In the chronicle of Putrishki eight-year school is the date: 1962.

      In this year at the initiative of Komsomol members and pioneers in school the historical Museum was created. The Council of the Museum included representatives of students of all classes. The General management was entrusted to the teacher of history Roza Moiseevna Gavrilyuk.

     The tasks facing the members of the Council were complex and responsible: to compile a chronicle of the native land, to reflect in it the heroism of the glorious sons and daughters of the Belarusian people.


The number of exhibits: 853, including 828 of the main fund.



   1. Culture and life of our ancestors (with interactive game elements).
   2. Putrishki's streets are called by their names Putrishki.
   3. History of Grodno railway station.
   4. the Great Patriotic war in Grodno region.
   5."Putrishki" - a new stage of development.
   6.FORTS of Grodno fortress: history and modernity.

At the school Museum lessons of history, Belarusian literature, thematic subject weeks, class, information hours, meetings with war and labor veterans, interesting people, school graduates are held. On the basis of the Museum, classes of circles "Young ethnographers", "Military history of Belarus" and "Research activities" are held.

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