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The legend of the origin of the village Putrishki


It was a long time ago, when the strong lived.  They were strong men. They did not keep any economy, and ate that caught animals on woods.

         But on their trouble together with them lived a weirdo-man. Not such as all: and growth smaller, and forces not such had. And his strangeness was that he loved all living things and understood the language of animals and birds. For it in the surrounding area began to call him eccentric-Putris.

           It became difficult for people to live, because Putris will talk to either a bird or an animal – and shoot anyone, because all living things are hidden. People began to hate the weirdo. Yes, one trouble does not go. A terrible hurricane began, which turned the trees with stones. Everyone thought it was a Putris affair.

           It was a shame for Putris. He threw his pack over his shoulders and left the place. Long or not he wandered through the forest, but suddenly stumbled on a large, sun-drenched glade. All around was green, in multicolored paints. Putris sat down in a clearing and could not take his eyes off this beauty. Forget the insult to the athletes.  Quickly he climbed the hill and began to shout: "People! I'm Putris! Wonderful land found!

            People began to converge on his voice from all sides. Saw - did not disappoint Putris, here is really Paradise on earth. They began to build houses, develop land. It turned out to be a large settlement. Grateful people began to call him Putriski.

            It is not known why over time the letter "S" was replaced by "SH", but now it is Putrishki

Historical information

The first mention of Putrishki


For the first time Putrishki are mentioned in the XVI century. According to the inventory of 1556 manor Rusota, the village of Putrishki belonged to Yuri Volovich.

The village is mentioned in documents of 1557: gardens and settlements were purchased here by the master boyar B. Yatskovich.

The village in historical documents


According to the inventory 1581 the village belonged to the estate Rusota, the owner of which was the provincial mayor the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Loreen War. In 1672, the village belonged to the Carmelite estate of Casimir. Until 1939, there were large estates of landowner Zhukovsky

Important events related to the village


In 1862, the first railway in the modern territory of Belarus passed through the vicinity of the village, connecting Warsaw with St. Petersburg, the capital of the Russian Empire. A railway station was located near the village.

n 1912-1914 near the village, was the construction of XI Fort of the Grodno fortress. It was not completed, so during the First world war it was not involved. But during the Soviet-Polish war of 1919-1921, during the assault of Grodno by the red Army in the area of FORTS XII-XIII were the main battles for the city.


June 24, 1941 Putrishki were occupied by German troops. The village was liberated during the Bialystok and Vilnius operations. The red Army crossed the Neman river on 15 July 1944 and the 5th guards cavalry division captured the villages of Putrishki and Big Kaplitsa.

Modern time

Agro-town Putrishki is located in the East of Grodno on the highway to the lakes. Today Putrishki administrative center In the agricultural production cooperative ”Putrishki" and Putrishki village Council. The population is more than 2200 people.  There is a school, a kindergarten, a house of culture, a library, a medical center and a communication Department, 2 shops and a bath. Today, the village has been given the status of an agricultural town.


View of Putrishki from space

Country club building


In 1956, in the center of Putrishki the building of the village club was built, which in its architecture has features of Neoclassicism. For a long time this building was the center of the cultural life of the village. Today the club takes on a new look. After the reconstruction, there will be a music school and a library.

Putrishki Secondary school

Until 1950, Putrishki had an elementary school. In 1950 there was a consolidation of the collective farm, the center of which was v. Putrishki. There was a need to open a seven-year school, the construction of which was carried out by the method of national structure (buildings were transported from the village of Rybnitsa and the village of Devyatovka). Putrishki seven-year school was opened on September 1, 1951. The village grew, and soon the new school did not meet the needs of the time. 


In 1975, the building of the modern Putrishki secondary school was built and put into operation.

The Catholic Church of St. Casimir


On the main street of agrotown Putrishki on the hill, stands the Church of St. Casimir. The Church building was built in 2002 at the expense of parishioners. The local priest designed the Church and actually carried out all construction works.

The Church was built in accordance with the motifs of Belarusian wooden architecture. The interior is decorated with frescoes.

Monument to soldiers who died during the liberation of the village Putrishki

In 1957, from several burial sites located on the territory of the village Council, the remains of fallen soldiers were transferred.A pedestal was erected on which the names of 131 buried soldiers who died during the liberation of the village of Putrishki were stamped. On the pedestal set the image of a soldier with a gun and a helmet in his hands.

In 2012, the monument acquired a new look. The pedestal was faced with red marble, the list of the dead was stamped on a black Board and supplemented with new names.

A monument to the civilians who were shot during the Great Patriotic war

   On a small hill 350 meters to the East of the village, on the road to Vertelishki, there is a monument to civilians who died during the Great Patriotic war.

   On this place from June 24 to June 26, 1941 several hundred people of the Soviet-party asset from Grodno were shot. They were shot in the former trenches and buried actually alive.

   On the death of innocent people after the war left only the outline of the rectangle, repeating the ditch where people were buried.

Today, a memorial plaque is installed at the site of the shooting, to which several steps of the stairs lead.

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